
"an action or process of solving a problem~ Merriam-Webster


Through a synthesis of knowledge across many fields, Sustainable Streams provides technical consulting to offer sustainable solutions to complex river/watershed problems.


Featured Project

Glenway Woods and Lick Run Featured in
World Water: Stormwater Management 
(scroll to pages 17-19)
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Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati - Cincinnati, OH


Mike Ellerbrock, P.E.| | 513-861-5600


For over 100 years, a stream that runs through the Glenway Woods Nature Preserve has been buried. Instead of flowing over a natural stream bed, rainwater has been routed to a combined sewer where it is mixed with untreated human waste. Sustainable Streams recently provided fluvial geomorphic and engineering design services to "daylight" the stream, and return the Glenway Woods to a more complete nature preserve. The project, which involved 3,000-feet of natural restoration using native creek rock and log vanes, will provide channel stability while meeting the aesthetic and naturalistic character of the nature preserve. The project also includes a walking trail and a constructed wetland to provide water quality filtration and bird and amphibian habitat.

This project was designed in partnership with a team that included Strand Associates and Human Nature. Chemical, hydrologic, and ecological monitoring will be conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Geological Survey (USGS).